Well the wind kicked back in just over a week or so ago and hasn’t really let up since. We’ve been on the water every day and have gotten our self’s into a solid routine: Wake up between 10.30 and 11.00 am. Eat some breakfast, sit around for an hour. Off to the beach. Sail all day until about 6pm. Go home cook some food. Drink a couple beers while going through the days footage. In bed by about 1am. Then repeat.
Things haven’t swayed too far from this pattern over the last couple of weeks. Apart from the odd BBQ with friends.
There hasn’t been all that much swell around. We have seen a couple small pulses hit the North shore, but not producing anything more than 6ft waves at best.
We have been sailing a different beaches all over the North shore. When there are waves we sail at Ho’okipa, which is the best spot for wave sailing, and also the busiest. Today for example there were some waves, the bigger ones were a little over head height. There were around 30 people sailing the same break. Hectic!
Joel and I sharing a wave at Ho'okipa
Me right - Just finished riding my wave and Venezuelan sailor Diony doing an awesome one handed back loop
Arial - Me
Joel and I on another wave
When the wind is up we often stay local and sail at Sperecks beach, just across the road from our place. Specks is a great location for big jumps, with consistent cross shore wind and steep ramps to launch off of.
Another good spot is Kanaha beach park. Located right next to the airport. A popular beach for the older sailors because of the flat water and nice grassy rigging area. The outer reefs also provide some good waves for jumping and the odd wave ride. Kanaha as you might remember from my earlier posts is the beach where we had our shark encounter. So of course every time I fall off my board there I can only think about 1 thing.
A run-down of Maui's North shore and sailing spots
Yesterday the conditions at Ho’okipa were less than impressive. So Joel, Al and my self left the beach and sailed down wind to back to Sprecks, which is about 6.5km’s away. The down winder only took about 45 mins. I was a cool experience. The water is so clear! There were turtles all over the place. I even found my self at one point in the middle of a school of flying fish skipping across the water.
Once we reached Sprecks we sailed around for a few runs just before the wind dropped, and we had to float in. Good thing it didn’t happen a half hour earlier while we were sailing from Ho’okipa.
The course from Ho'okipa to Sprecks
Here are some more screen shots from my helmet cam footage
Bailing on a back loop attempt, you can see Joel just to my left also going for a backie
Going through the push loop - Yep, I landed that one
Table top
Things not going well
Swimming after my gear
Discussing moves
Big pushie, landed that one too.
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