Saturday 1st May: After a week or so of nothing but eating, drinking, sleeping and windsurfing, I feel like I’m starting to settle in here. 10 days windsurfing in a row now. I think that’s approaching some kind of record for me.
The first 5 or 6 days were pretty tough on the body. My arms hadn’t see that much exercise in a long time. My hands were falling to bits. All sorts of problems… But a couple days later I feel like everything’s starting to sort it self out.
The hours that we rented, is pretty simple, but its all we need. The best part about it however is its right across the road from Spercks beach, and awesome windsurfing beach, perfect for jumping and the odd on shore wave ride.
Sprecks beach
POV screen shot from me doing a push loop at Sprecks
Just 5 mins East from our place is the world famous Ho’okipa Beach. Lately we have just been sailing here because the wind direction is better for wave riding.
When we first arrived there was a pretty solid swell hitting the North shore of Maui. The bigger waves at Ho’okipa were about mast high. Having been out of the water for almost 4 months, I decided to sit it out and watch Joel Ryan and Al McLeod get out and mix it up with the worlds best.
Levi Siver ripping at Ho'okipa
Al McLeod getting into it
Ho’okipa was a bit of a circus when we arrived, this is the time of year that most of the top sponsored sailors from all over the world come to Maui to test next years equipment, and to shoot the Catalogs for the summing season.
The cliff to was scattered with photographers. There were even a couple right in the break getting shots from the water. There was even a massive helicopter hovering about 10 – 15m above the break getting shots from the air. It was all happening.
The next couple days we sailed at Sprecks. I was slowly feeling more coordinated. Time to check out Ho’okipa for my self. Luckily for me the swell had dropped off quite a bit so it would be easier to get out, and get back into the swing of things.
Me doing an off the lip arial at Ho'okipa
The swell has been small for a few days now, and now the wind is looking like it may drop right off for a couple days. Today might be the last time we windsurf until maybe Tuesday.
At this stage there also looks to be another swell coming in from the North East. Fingers crossed for that.
Me cursing out the back of Sprecks
Me jumping at Sprecks
Man you've been doing some crazy stuff. I just read that heli skiing report - I can see how steep it was from those photo's, so that means it was way steep. I know it must be great right now going from Alaskan skiing to Maui windsurfing, but let me tell you when you look back on this do da of a trip in years to come it will seem truly unbelievable. You'll wonder how you ever pulled it off. Nice aerial off the lip BTW - i can see that despite being a pasty, white ski dude you've still got it. Bastard.