I madly surfed the web, in search of the latest 7 day forecasts for all over the Western side of North America. These were the options –
Jackson: No snow temperatures above 0 degrees C = get out of town…
Interior British Columba: No snow cool temperatures, hadn’t seen snow in over a month = No point…
Tahoe: Massive storm on the way up to 3 ft possible Temperatures above 0 degrees during the day = Risk of rain. I’m not skiing in the rain!
Utah: Snow on the way also too warm possible rain.
Whistler: Little bit of snow on the way temperatures cool + get to visit Vancouver = Best option!
So the decision was made, BC bound. My self, Andrew, his brother Don and Watkin were going to be making the journey.
The 4 of us got an early start on the driving, leaving Jackson at 6am. A 1600km drive ahead of us. Traveling through, Idaho, Oregon, Washington state and finally crossing the boarder into British Columba.
There were not too many highlight on the trip up… Long and boring drive. We expected to see some cool things but it was a bit of a let down. 16 hours in total we drove for that day, finally arriving at Don’s friend Joe’s house, just outside of Vancouver. Absolute relief on our arrival, all of us feeling like we have just traveled around the world.
The next day we got up, packed up our things and let Joe’s place headed for Whistler. Not before checking out the city of Vancouver.
It was 2 days since the Winter Olympics had finished. Downtown Vancouver looked like a war zone. Teams of cleaners, construction workers and other ‘tare down’ type workers were going for it. Trying to put the city back together. I was pretty happy not to have been there during the games, it would have be absolute mayhem!
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